skyla Hi


Leading the change in advancing healthcare

Skyla Hi enables better access to testing and rapid clinical decision making, discussion, and implementation of optimized treatment.

Only 0.8ul Fingertips Blood or Venous Blood (Depends on test item)

Without pretreatment. HbA1c test requires only 0.8μl while CRP test only 5μl of fingertips or venous blood

Fully Automated Operations

All steps are designed automatically from checking the validity of cartridge to printing the results.

Two Specimens per Run

The device allows two specimens be tested in one run.

<6 min Test Time to Get the Result (Depends on test item)

HbA1c takes only 6 minutes to complete the test. Lipid Panel and CRP only take 13 minutes to complete the test.
   Support Multiple Devices
Skyla Hi Analyzer comes with optional accessory, such as thermal printer and barcode scanner.
   Thermal Printer and skyla Data Manager PC Software supported
    Intuitive User Interface and Multiple Languages Functions
     Maintenance Free

Walk Away Operation

The device provides iconic graphic user interface.
Straightforward, simple and easy to operate for non-professionals.

  Step 1 Use the reagent pack to collect sample.

  Step 2 Insert sample to the cartridge.

  Step 3 Put the cartridge onto the carrier.

  Step 4 Insert the carrier and then press “OK” to start analyzing.

  Step 5 Read the results.

User-Friendly Design

skyla Hi Analyzer is a user friendly, multilingual, and intuitive portable device.
1) Slot for dummy balancer
2) Location to place analysis carrier
3) Touch screen
4) Power switch
5) Tray door
6) External thermal printer

skyla Hi Operation